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 מי המוזר פה?                                                                                  7.4.2009

 נכתב ע"י: צוות BizSpot

Lap it Up

טל קורן - מנהל ומייסד פרוייקט BizSpot - "רעיונות גדולים ליזמים ואנשי עסקים"

                        רוצה לקבל עוד רעיונות להקמת עסקים? - הרשם בחינם>>

You know that feeling when you just want to lie down with your laptop and watch the latest Kanye West videos on youtube? But as soon as you try, the laptop heats up and it’s uncomfortable? Well it makes sense then that manufacturers are now producing the lapdesk – a little cushion desk for the laptop that comes with handy features like built-in cup holders. They can be used virtually anywhere, making your laptop truly portable as well funky and stylish. The Paris Lap Desk from perpetual kid has a pleasing aesthetic design and even Ikea has jumped on the bandwagon. Our favourite is the Logitech comfort lapdesk. Feel that cushiony goodnes         

Picture from: www.perpetualkid.com